Polyend Play - Analog Aura Pack

Polyend Play - Analog Aura Pack


200 ALL-NEW samples for the Polyend Play!

This is a pack of ultra clean and crisp sounds.

All sounds were created in and recorded from an Elektron Analog Four Synthesizer and then gently compressed, EQ’d and otherwise creatively processed to be as ready-to-go as possible. Final sample editing was done in Soundforge.

Not only do the sounds gel really well together, but there is a nice variety here, too - so you can make many different genres with this pack!

FORMAT: The pack is in the exact same format as my other packs for the Play. This is the same format as the factory content - and will work with all of the Play’s “Beat Randomize” and scale features!


Bass - 40 Samples

Chords - 18 Samples

Extras - 5 Samples

HiHat - 31 Samples

Kick - 40 Samples

Snare - 32 Samples

Synth - 34 Samples

New sounds = New inspiration!

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